Breast Cancer Awareness Session

Start Date: 
Monday, February 20, 2017
Start Time: 
09:30 am
AV Hall, IIS University

NSS Group B volunteers were benefitted by an informative session by, Dr. Sarika Lamba. Dr Sarika was invited for delivering a lecture for the students of The IIS University about Breast Cancer Awareness. She feels it is one of the necessary topic a girl or a woman must know about. She talked about the symptoms like pain and palpable breast lump and all lumps are not cancerous and only 10%  of the females are detected cancer. Also, she enlightened us about cancerous symptoms like breast cyst, fibrocystic disease, fibroadenoma, etc. She also mentioned about the Breast Cancer risk factors that can be controlled like obesity, alcohol consumption, hormone replacement therapy, birth control pills and not having children. Surgical methods were also entailed like breast conserving surgery, mastectomy, axillary sampling, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, etc. Screening is the most important thing which she asked us to do that i.e. examining the breasts.

At last she suggested for a base line check up and screening.